Vascular Plants

Includes all flowering plants, conifers, ferns and fern-allies.

Browse by genus:

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
Genus names beginning with D:
43 genera
112 species
16 subspecies and varieties
Show only taxa with photos
Dactylis – cock's-foot grass (1 species)
Dactylis – orchard-grass (1 species)
Dactylorhiza – keyflower (1 species)
Dactylorhiza – marsh-orchid (1 species)
Dalea – prairie-clover (1 species)
Damasonium – damasonium (1 species)
Damasonium – fringed water-plantain (1 species)
Damasonium – star water-plantain (1 species)
Danthonia – heathgrass (5 species)
Danthonia – oatgrass (5 species)
Daphne – mezereon (2 species)
Daphne – spurge-laurel (2 species)
Darlingtonia – cobra-plant (1 species)
Darlingtonia – California pitcher-plant (1 species)
Dasiphora – shrubby cinquefoil (1 species)
Datura – jimson-weed (2 species)
Daucus – carrot (2 species)
Delphinium – delphinium (19 species)
Delphinium – larkspur (19 species)
Dendrolycopodium – tree-clubmoss (1 species)
Deschampsia – hairgrass (3 species)
Descurainia – tansymustard (6 species)
Dianthus – pink (3 species)
Dicentra – bleedingheart (3 species)
Dichanthelium – perennial panicgrass (2 species)
Dichelostemma – snake-lily (1 species)
Dichodon – mouse-ear chickweed (1 species)
Dieteria – tansyaster (1 species)
Digitalis – foxglove (1 species)
Digitaria – crabgrass (2 species)
Dionaea (1 species)
Diphasiastrum – clubmoss (4 species)
Diplachne – sprangletop (1 species)
Diplacus – monkey-flower (2 species)
Diplotaxis – wall rocket (1 species)
Dipsacus – teasel (1 species)
Distichlis – saltgrass (1 species)
Dodecatheon – shooting star (0 species)
Doronicum – leopard's bane (1 species)
Douglasia – Douglasia (0 species)
Downingia – downingia (3 species)
Draba – draba (18 species)
Draba – whitlow-grass (18 species)
Draba – whitlow-wort (18 species)
Dracocephalum – dragonhead (1 species)
Dracunculus (0 species)
Drosera – sundew (3 species)
Dryas – dryad (2 species)
Dryas – dryas (2 species)
Dryas – mountain-avens (2 species)
Drymocallis – wood beauty (3 species)
Drymocallis – cinquefoil (3 species)
Dryopteris – wood-fern (5 species)
Duchesnea (1 species)
Dulichium – dulichium (1 species)
Dysphania (3 species)